
Why am I Running from Cancer?

Why am I Running from Cancer?. . . check out this post for an explanation

Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Stylish Blogger Award

Thanks to Chelsea at Early Runner for awarding me The Stylish Blogger Award.

Here is how the Award works:
  • Make a post + Link back to the person who awarded you this award (done above)
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers so we can share the love
  • Contact these bloggers and tell them they’ve won

OK here goes - 7 (hopefully) interesting things about myself.

1.  I was the drum major of my high school band (and can still twirl a baton) and was a "Flag Chick" (that is really what we were called) in college.  I started college as a Music Major (and still play my clarinet) and then switched in my Junior year to Accounting.  

2.  I used to race radio control trucks and sedans - 10th scale - We all had our own trucks and sedans and raced under the name - Team Radio Schaack.  

3.  I love to head out on the lake on windy days with the Jet Ski's and can pretty much keep up with the guys in the family.  

4.  I make a really good Long Island Iced Tea - but usually only make them in the summer.

5.  I am trying to embrace a more minimalistic lifestyle - I know I can't go all the way, or don't actually want to - but I do want to minimize. 

6.  In my house right now - we have 2 MacBook pro's, 2 iMac's and 1 Macbook, and 3 Motorola Droid's and my work Blackberry.  To say that we are internet connected is an understatement.  See item 5!!!! 

7.  I love to have polish on my toes - but HATE it on my finger nails.  But I have never had a professional pedicure - letting other people touch my feet freaks me out.  

Bonus # 8:  I love Housewives of . . . . Beverly Hills / that is my secret!  Don't tell!  

I will follow Chelsea and simply award 7 people.  
Heather at Run O'Donnell
Erika at MCM Mama

Next up is to contact everyone on my list and let them know that they have been tagged!

Have a great day
Peace and JOY


  1. I love these kind of posts! It is so fun getting to know other bloggers through tags with random info:)

    I wish I knew how to work a baton and I was super jealous of our flag chicks in high school:)

    I had a really bad experience with Long Island Tea in college. It was so terrible that I can't even look at a Long Island drink anymore:)

    Thanks for the tag! Take care and hugs to you!

  2. Thanks for thinking of me Linda :) I'll fulfill my duty over the weekend ;)

    Always nice to get to know you better...I especially like your #5 and #6 :)

  3. I am new here and am learning so much. Your journey inspires me as I am currently undergoing chemo while keeping my running up. Thank you!

  4. Hey, thanks for tagging me! I was so happy for you when I read your comment regarding your last doctor appointment. YEAH!!! That is wonderful!! I love your list, too. I was also an accounting major. Thanks for tagging me- I'll have to work on my post!

  5. Hi Linda, thanks for the tag. Now instead of obsessing over polluting the planet with my skiing (my latest post explains it all) I will be thinking of what to write. Certainly more fun.
    Could you post some video clips of you playing a clarinet? (You doing accounting would not be as much fun)

  6. Thanks for the tag! I'm trying to come up with something interesting LOL>

  7. Great list!

    I stopped by from Tall Mom's 1,000+++ Mile Club - had to swing by the other WI peeps aiming for 1,000 miles this year.
