
Why am I Running from Cancer?

Why am I Running from Cancer?. . . check out this post for an explanation

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The beginning

Well - What to say - This is the beginning of my blog.
I will be keeping this simple because I don't have much time. Over the last month I have found myself absorbed in the blogs that I follow - and have decided to give it a try.
Even though it is a little early - this is going to be my 2010 new years resolution.

Back in 2000 I resolved at age 48 that I was going to run a marathon for the first time - up to that time I had only run 3 miles at any one time - five months later I ran the Madison Marathon in 4:17. Not the fastest time by any means - but I am still happy with that time.

This year I am going to resolve to Blog - using it to put to my thoughts on running, being a mom, staying in shape, surviving surgery - chemo - radiation to battle breast cancer out here in blogland for all to see and read.

My motto: do what you like in life!



  1. Welcome to Blogging!! I was going to tell you that I love your motto and it would be a good name for a Blog. Looks like you came up with a great name.

    Hugs to health and resolutions.

  2. Good I'm hoping you blog! I'd love to read more.

  3. Mel and Beth - Thanks so much for the encouragement!
