
Why am I Running from Cancer?

Why am I Running from Cancer?. . . check out this post for an explanation

Friday, April 9, 2010


I am sooooooo glad it is friday.

Although I would love to totally relax this weekend - I have several things for church that I have to get done this weekend and I still need to finish our tax return. I am really upset with myself that I haven't gotten it done previously. It is almost done - but I need to find two 1099's for interest. This is so not like me - but it is . . . what it is . . .

Additionally we would like to finish replacing the other sidelight on our front door. The new sidelight is on the left - notice it doesn't have any panes.

MY RIGHT FOOT - has been hurting the last couple of days. I don't know of anything that I did to it. It feels bruised and is tender to the touch on the top of my foot - ????? what the heck ????? Did the google search - self doctoring - about the only thing that I find on the internet is that it could possibly be a stress fracture. That just can't be - I don't really run enough miles. It just can't be . . . it just can't be!!! You have got to be kidding . . .

This is EXACTLY where it hurts. ;-(

I am planning on running tomorrow morning - so we will see. I was planning on a 5 mile run this morning - but thought I would rest my foot - so although it doesn't really feel any different - I am going to try it tomorrow.

Enjoy the weekend.


  1. YOur one pic didn't load so I don't know where your foot hurts exactly but you said top, sometimes the top of my foot will hurt and it seems to be from the way I laced/tyed my shoes. Just a thought.

    We haven't finished out taxes yet either...eekkk. Hopefully I will be able to pick them up this weekend.

    Have fun with all the home repairs!

  2. Oh dear, I do hope it isn't a stress fracture :(
    Here's hoping you get your run in today and that there is no pain!

  3. is it possible you tie your shoe too tight? I remember reading on some running forums about different techniques of shoe lacing - people swear by results.

  4. I hope your foot gets better!!! Enjoy your week :)
